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Aiming at the national steel strategic needs and expanding industrial development space

Time : 2024-03-05

"For the steel industry, developing new productivity does not mean starting from scratch, but using 'high-tech' methods to promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional steel industry, while simultaneously promoting the cultivation of emerging industries and future industries." Vigorously developing new productivity , will bring new opportunities for enterprise transformation and development.

At present, the development of the steel industry has entered a period of deep adjustment. The pressures and risks faced by corporate operations are still relatively high. The difficulties and problems that restrict Shougang's high-quality development are still prominent. The quality of development must be transformed to be more efficient, more resilient, and more sustainable. More strenuous efforts are needed.

Therefore, Shougang will mainly deploy in the following two general directions.

The first is to target national strategic needs and expand industrial development space. On the one hand, expand product application space. It is necessary to keep up with the development trends of new energy vehicles, solar photovoltaics, aerospace, new generation information technology and other emerging industries and future industries, and develop a batch of new materials with extremely high strength, extreme corrosion resistance, extreme temperatures, extreme specifications and other application directions; On the other hand, we should cultivate and expand emerging industries. Accelerate the innovation, promotion and application of green technologies in the steel industry, and at the same time cultivate and deploy green and low-carbon industries such as ethanol production from industrial exhaust gas and biomass energy.

"Promoting digital transformation is also the key to Shougang's efforts to create new productivity." "For industries like steel with sufficient market competition, the first ones to be eliminated must be inefficient companies. In the functional classification of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, Shougang belongs to the competition category, improving management efficiency, operational efficiency, and market competitiveness through digital transformation is not a multiple-choice question, but a must-answer question.”

As digital transformation progresses, there will be more data. There are still many specific work requirements on how to transform these data into a basis for promoting technological innovation, management innovation, and business model innovation. "This will be a problem that the country and every enterprise must face and properly solve in the process of developing new productive forces."

The second is to serve the strategic positioning of the capital city and build the Shougang Highlands of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center. Focusing on the characteristic tracks of the science fiction industry, targeting the metaverse, artificial intelligence, deep space exploration and other industrial directions, attracting more leading enterprises, listed companies, national high-tech enterprises and technology-enabled enterprises to settle in, and cultivating high-precision enterprises with global competitiveness cutting-edge industrial clusters. Give full play to the role of the China Science Fiction Conference as a national platform, link various innovation resources such as industrial incubation centers and industrial innovation consortiums, and build an open, shared and dynamic innovation ecosystem. Continue to optimize the full-cycle support and service system for technology enterprises, and initially build an industrial service system covering 21 items in 6 categories around the pain points of enterprise development, promoting the extension of industrial services from "basic services" to "value-added services" and further to The in-depth transformation of marketization, specialization and branding has promoted Shougang Park to become an important urban functional area on the west axis of Chang'an Street in the capital.

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